Monday 16 April 2012

One-4-ALL Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit

EZ-10 Spin Column Blood and Tissue Genomic DNA minipreps kit is designed for rapid purification of genomic DNA from fresh, frozen or paraffin-embedded animal tissues, cells, blood, or bacteria.

  • OD260/OD280 of purified DNA is generally 1.7~1.9
  • Preparation of high quality genomic DNA with a molecular weight <=20kb

  • Fast and easy processing use a rapid spin-column format

  • Compatible with many downstream applications such as PCR, restriction digestion and hybridization

  • No phenol/ chloroform extraction or ethanol precipiration is required
  • High yield and reproductivity

  • Fit for a variety of sample source

Contact us for more information and quotation

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