Thursday 10 July 2014

PCR Basic

Finding best condition for optimal PCR result can be tedious and frustrating. Optimising PCR workflow include improvements in sample prep time, reaction time, reaction sensitivity, reproducibility and ease of use. 

If you often do PCR in the lab, a good way to save time to to create a master mix. PCR mix normally contains buffer, taq polymerase and deoxynucleotides. In the market, there are PCR mixes sold for simplicity. 

Some brands added perks such as dyes, PCR enhancing additives and designed DNA polymerase. Commercial PCR mix is quality controlled which can be important to avoid error in homebrew PCR master mix.

Chemicals and reagents that are part of PCR reactions are crucial for routine success. For PCR workflow, significant amount of time is spent to prepare the DNA. There are plenty PCR kits in the market that help to save time and optimised result. Most companies will designed unique PCR buffer recipe to work in a range of PCR reactions and templates. 

Ref: link2 link3

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